Abundant Prayer with Paul Watson of Contagious Disciple Making
This should have been the first episode. Pursuing a movement of disciple-making disciples and church-planting churches starts, ends, and is surrounded by prayer.
Gospel: Three Circles with Kenton Killebrew of Global Gates
Sharing the Gospel doesn't need to be complicated. The Three Circles is a simple Gospel tool that's being used widely in #NoPlaceLeft networks. Check out this episode for an awesom
Gospel: Share your Story in 15 Seconds
A recovering alcoholic walks into a bar... If this was a joke, you probably think you know it ends. Check out this episode of On the Road to #NoPlaceLeft for how God used a simp
Entry: Hello to the Gospel in Three Questions
"Hello, this is the Good News of Jesus Christ." Okay, so it may not be quite that fast, but here are 3 questions to move any conversation to the Gospel.
Entry: Start with your Oikos with Joleene Burts
Reaching the world with the Gospel starts with our own neighborhood. Hear how God used a simple tool called an Oikos Map and a funny game called Bunco to lead people to faith in Je
The Four Fields: A Path to #NoPlaceLeft with Tom Hall
How can one church or ministry, even a huge one, fulfill the great commission? The Four Fields is a simple strategy that provides a path to #NoPlaceLeft. Tom Hall of e3 Partners ex
The Brutal Facts with Dale Losch of Crossworld
How many people are living without Jesus here and around the world? Things aren't that bad are they?
What does #NoPlaceLeft mean? Steve Addison shares.
What does this #NoPlaceLeft thing mean? Author, blogger, podcaster, and movement practitioner Steve Addison shares his thoughts.