5 Insightful Keys into the Biblical Jesus

a jesus text

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers, and the teachings of Jesus Christ are at the heart of this faith.  Whether you are asking questions or thinking through how to explain your faith to others, this post will be helpful. Let’s dive into 5 insightful keys into the Biblical … Read more

Discovering the Disciple Meaning: A Life-Changing Journey

If you’re a Christian, you’ve probably heard the term “disciple” before. But what does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus? And what is a disciple making movement? In this post, we’ll explore the true meaning of disciple and how it relates to disciple making movements. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus … Read more

Unlocking the Power of APEST: The Ultimate Guide

In this ultimate guide to APEST, we’ll be discussing APEST leadership and its role in disciple making movements using Neil Cole’s, “Primal Fire,” and content by Alan Hirsch. As the world continues to change rapidly, there is a growing need for effective leadership in the church. In response to this need, Hirsch, a leading missiologist, … Read more

Breakthrough Guide For a Modern Day Disciple

In today’s society, the concept of discipleship may seem outdated or even irrelevant.  However, being a modern day disciple is still important for those who follow Jesus. In this post, we’ll be discussing the characteristics of a modern day disciple, the importance of obedience in discipleship, and examples of disciples who have lived out these … Read more

A Step-by-Step Guide to Prayer Walking Scriptures and Changing Lives

One unique way of praying that many are finding effective at connecting prayer and missions and many have found to be particularly powerful is prayer walking. See prayer walking scriptures below. JUMP TO 5H PRAYER WALKING SCRIPTURES JUMP TO STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE In this post, we will explore the meaning of prayer walking, where it comes … Read more

What are Disciple-Making Movements? – 5 Examples From Around The World

In recent years, the concept of church planting movements or disciple-making movements (DMMs) has gained increasing attention and interest within the church.  A disciple-making movement is a rapid multiplication of disciples that results in a new church planting movement. The goal is to reach those who have never heard the gospel and to see the … Read more

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