How to Revitalize Christian Revival with Disciple Making

In this post, we’ll be discussing the topic of Christian revival with a specific focus on disciple-making movements. If you’re looking to understand what revival is and how it can impact the growth of the church, you’ve come to the right place. 

We’ll cover everything you need to know about Christian revival and its impact on discipleship.

Christian revival is a spiritual awakening that leads to a renewed passion for God and a desire to see His kingdom advanced.

Section 1: What is Christian Revival?

Christian revival is a spiritual awakening that leads to a renewed passion for God and a desire to see His kingdom advanced. Revival is not just a time of increased attendance at church services or emotional experiences, but a transformational encounter with God that results in changed lives and a renewed commitment to Christ. 

Revival is not a one-time event, but a continuous process of renewal and transformation.

Section 2: How Does Christian Revival Start?

Revival starts with prayer and repentance. 

When God’s people humble themselves and turn from their sin, He responds with grace and mercy. Revival can also be sparked by the preaching of the Word, through which the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin and draws them to Christ. 

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Often, revival begins with a small group of believers who are hungry for more of God and who commit themselves to prayer and seeking His face.

Section 3: The Three Stages of Revival

There are three stages of revival: 

  • Personal revival
  • Corporate revival
  • Societal revival

Personal revival starts with an individual’s encounter with God and leads to a renewed commitment to Christ. 

Corporate revival happens when a group of believers experience personal revival and come together in unity to seek God’s will. 

Societal revival is when the impact of personal and corporate revival spreads beyond the church and into the surrounding community.

Section 4: The Fruit of Obedience in Disciple Making as Signs of Revival

As previously mentioned, one of the signs of revival is the transformation of lives.

However, true revival doesn’t just transform individuals, but it also transforms communities and even entire nations. One of the most significant fruits of revival is the multiplication of disciples. 

When the Holy Spirit moves in power, people are empowered to make disciples who make disciples, and the Kingdom of God expands rapidly.

The Fruit of Obedience

The fruit of obedience in disciple making movements is an undeniable sign of revival.

In a true revival, believers are compelled by the Holy Spirit to share the gospel and make disciples, and the result is a multiplication of disciples that transforms communities. The disciples who are made in a revival are not just converts but true followers of Jesus who obey His commands and make more disciples. 

This kind of obedience and fruitfulness is evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in a powerful way.

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Discipleship Points to Sustained Fruit

The fruit of obedience in disciple making movements is also evidence that true revival is not just a one-time event but a sustained movement that lasts beyond a single event. In a true revival, believers are not just moved emotionally, but they are transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out their faith and make disciples. 

This kind of sustained obedience and fruitfulness is evidence that the Holy Spirit is continuing to work in a powerful way long after the initial event.

Discipleship Leads to Transformed Societies

Moreover, the fruit of obedience in disciple making movements is evidence that true revival is not just about personal salvation but also about the transformation of communities and nations. As disciples make more disciples, entire communities and even nations can be transformed by the power of the gospel. 

This kind of transformation is evidence that the Holy Spirit is not just transforming individuals but also the world around them.

Section 5: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Revival

The Holy Spirit is the catalyst for revival. 

He convicts people of sin, draws them to Christ, and empowers believers to live for Him. The Holy Spirit also gives gifts and talents to believers to be used for the building up of the church and the advancement of the kingdom. 

Without the Holy Spirit, revival cannot happen.

Section 6: True Revival

True revival is characterized by a renewed passion for God, a desire to see His kingdom advanced, and a commitment to making disciples. True revival leads to changed lives and a renewed sense of purpose. It also results in a greater love for God and others. 

See also  Under the Hood of Disciple Making Movements

True revival is not just a one-time event, but a continuous process of renewal and transformation.


In this post, we’ve covered the topic of Christian revival and its impact on disciple-making movements. 

We’ve seen that revival is not just a one-time event, but a continuous process of renewal and transformation that starts with personal repentance and prayer. We’ve also seen that the Holy Spirit is the catalyst for revival and that true revival leads to changed lives, a renewed passion for God, and a commitment to making disciples. 

As we seek God’s face and commit ourselves to prayer and discipleship, may we experience true revival and see His kingdom advanced.

True revival is characterized by a renewed passion for God, a desire to see His kingdom advanced, and a commitment to making disciples.

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