Discovering the Disciple Meaning: A Life-Changing Journey

If you’re a Christian, you’ve probably heard the term “disciple” before. But what does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus? And what is a disciple making movement?

In this post, we’ll explore the true meaning of disciple and how it relates to disciple making movements.

A disciple is someone who follows Jesus Christ, knowing Him personally, obeying His teachings, and sharing about Him with others.

What is The True Meaning of “Disciple?”

The word “disciple” comes from the Greek word “mathetes,” which means “learner” or “follower.” In biblical times, a disciple was someone who followed a teacher, learning from their teachings and imitating their way of life. In the context of Christianity, a disciple is someone who follows Jesus, learning from his teachings and imitating his way of life.

What is The Biblical Definition of “Disciple?”

In the New Testament, Jesus called his followers to be disciples, saying, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). This means that being a disciple involves self-denial, sacrifice, and a daily commitment to following Jesus.

What are The 3 Characteristics of a Disciple?

A disciple is someone who follows Jesus Christ, knowing Him personally, obeying His teachings, and sharing about Him with others.

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1. A Disciple Knows Jesus and the Bible

Knowing Jesus as a disciple means having a personal relationship with Him. 

This involves spending time in prayer, reading and studying the Bible, and seeking to understand His character and will. It also means trusting in Him for salvation and relying on His grace and guidance in every aspect of life.

2. A Disciple Obeys Jesus

Obedience is an essential characteristic of a disciple. 

This means following Jesus’ commands, as outlined in the Bible, and living according to His example. It involves putting Jesus first in all things, surrendering personal desires and goals to His will, and seeking to honor Him with every thought, word, and action.

3. A Disciple Shares With Others

Sharing about Jesus is another critical aspect of being a disciple. This means proclaiming the good news of salvation to others, making disciples, and living as a witness for Christ in a world that desperately needs to hear the truth. 

It involves sharing one’s faith boldly and lovingly, demonstrating the transformative power of Christ in one’s life, and inviting others to know Him personally.

What Makes a Good Disciple?

A good disciple is someone who not only knows, but also practices the teachings of Jesus. They are obedient to His commands and strive to follow Him in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, a good disciple understands the importance of community and being part of a practicing church community alongside others.

Being a good disciple means regularly engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, and participating in fellowship with other believers. 

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They are willing to seek out opportunities to serve others and share the love of Christ with those around them.

A good disciple also recognizes that they are not meant to go through life alone. They understand the value of being part of a supportive community where they can receive encouragement, accountability, and support in their faith journey.

In short, a good disciple is someone who has a deep, personal relationship with Jesus and lives out that relationship in their everyday life. 

They are committed to growing in their faith and sharing it with others, while also being part of a community of believers who share their values and goals.

How do You Know if You are a Disciple?

One way to know if you’re a disciple is to examine your life and see if it reflects the characteristics of a disciple as outlined in the Bible. Are you obedient to Jesus’ commands? Do you love God and others? Are you bearing fruit by making disciples?

Are You Wondering: How to be a Disciple?

Becoming a disciple is a process that involves surrendering your life to Jesus and committing to follow him. It also involves learning from his teachings and imitating his way of life. To be a disciple, you need to read and study the Bible, pray, practice your obedience as a part of a gathering of other believers called church, and fellowship with other believers. You also need to be intentional about making disciples yourself, sharing the gospel with others and teaching them to follow Jesus.


In summary, being a disciple of Jesus means following him, learning from his teachings, and imitating his way of life. 

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A disciple making movement is a group of disciples who are committed to making more disciples, spreading the gospel and building up the church. As Christians, we are called to be disciples and to make disciples. 

Let us commit ourselves to this calling, following Jesus and making disciples for his glory.

Becoming a disciple is a process that involves surrendering your life to Jesus and committing to follow him. It also involves learning from his teachings and imitating his way of life.

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