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Radical Discipleship: Understanding What It Means and How to Live It

A discipleship that is marked by a radical love for God and for others, a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel, and a desire to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Discipleship has been a core part of Christianity since the beginning, with Jesus himself calling on his followers to go and make disciples of all nations. 

But what does it mean to be a disciple, and what does it mean to live a life of radical discipleship? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the answers to these questions and more.

What does radical discipleship mean?

Radical discipleship refers to a way of following Jesus that is characterized by a complete commitment to him and a willingness to live out his teachings even in the face of opposition or persecution. 

It is a discipleship that is marked by a radical love for God and for others, a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel, and a desire to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

What does radical mean biblically?

The word “radical” comes from the Latin word “radix,” which means “root.” 

Biblically, being radical means to go back to the root of our faith, which is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It means to live out the teachings of Jesus in a way that is consistent with his radical love, grace, and mercy, and to be willing to give up everything for the sake of the gospel.

How is radical discipleship lived by the “religious?”

Radical discipleship is lived by the religious or practitioners of their faith through a commitment to the following:

1. Prayer – A radical disciple understands the importance of prayer and seeks to make it a daily part of their life.

2. Bible study – A radical disciple recognizes the importance of studying God’s Word and seeks to learn from it daily.

3. Evangelism – A radical disciple is committed to sharing the gospel with others and making disciples of all nations.

4. Community – A radical disciple recognizes the importance of being part of a community of believers who can encourage, support, and hold one another accountable.

5. Service – A radical disciple is committed to serving others and using their gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God.

6. Sacrifice – A radical disciple is willing to give up everything for the sake of the gospel, including their own comfort, safety, and security.

7. Obedience – A radical disciple seeks to obey God’s commands and live a life that is pleasing to him.

What are the 7 D’s of discipleship?

1. Decision – Making the decision to follow Jesus and become his disciple.

2. Devotion – Developing a daily devotional life that includes prayer, Bible study, and worship.

3. Doctrine – Understanding and embracing the core doctrines of the Christian faith.

4. Discernment – Learning to discern God’s will and follow his leading.

5. Discipline – Developing spiritual disciplines such as fasting, meditation, and solitude.

6. Duplication – Learning to make disciples of others.

7. Dependence – Cultivating a dependence on God through prayer, worship, and the Holy Spirit.

What are the 4 basics of discipleship?

In order to live out radical discipleship, it’s important to understand the basic principles that guide our journey as followers of Christ. Here are four basics of discipleship:

Bible study and prayer

Discipleship is a journey of growing in our knowledge of God and His Word. 

Regular Bible study and prayer help us to deepen our understanding of who God is and how He works in our lives. As we study and pray, we become more aware of His will for our lives and are better equipped to follow His lead.

Accountability and community

We are not meant to live out our faith alone. 

Accountability and community are essential for our growth and development as disciples. By surrounding ourselves with other believers who can encourage us, challenge us, and hold us accountable, we are able to stay on track in our walk with God.

Service and evangelism

Radical discipleship is not just about our personal relationship with God, but also about how we serve and reach out to others. 

Service and evangelism are integral parts of discipleship. As we serve others and share the love of Christ with them, we reflect the heart of God and demonstrate the power of His grace and love.


Ultimately, radical discipleship is about obedience to God. 

This means that we must be willing to submit to His will for our lives, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. Obedience requires faith and trust in God’s plan and His promises, and it’s the key to experiencing the fullness of His blessings and purpose for our lives.

What then is “Radical” Obedience to God?

Radical obedience to God is the foundation of radical discipleship. 

It means being willing to do whatever God asks of us, even if it goes against our own desires or comfort. This kind of obedience requires faith and trust in God’s character and His plan for our lives.

Jesus modeled radical obedience to God when He went to the cross to die for our sins. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). 

Even though He knew the pain and suffering that awaited Him, He was willing to submit to God’s will.

Radical Obedience in the Bible

Radical obedience can also be seen in the lives of other biblical figures, such as Abraham, who was willing to sacrifice his own son at God’s command (Genesis 22), and Mary, who was willing to bear the shame and stigma of being an unwed mother in order to carry out God’s plan for her life (Luke 1:26-38).

When we live lives of radical obedience to God, we experience His power and presence in ways that we never could have imagined. 

We become vessels of His love and grace, and we are able to impact the world around us with His truth and light.


Radical discipleship is a call to follow Jesus with everything we have and to live out our faith in a way that transforms ourselves and the world around us.

It means embracing the radical teachings of Jesus and committing to a life of radical obedience, even when it is difficult or goes against societal norms.

Radical Christians are those who take their faith seriously and live it out in a way that challenges the status quo. The beliefs of a radical church can vary, but they typically emphasize the importance of living out one’s faith in a radical way, often through personal evangelism and disciple-making.

Radical can also have a spiritual meaning, referring to a deep, transformative experience of God’s love and grace.

In the end, radical discipleship is not about conforming to a set of rules or beliefs, but about a heart that is fully committed to following Jesus and living out his teachings in every area of life. 

It is a call to take up our cross and follow him, no matter where it leads us.

Radical discipleship is a call to follow Jesus with everything we have and to live out our faith in a way that transforms ourselves and the world around us.

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