Breakthrough Guide For a Modern Day Disciple

In today’s society, the concept of discipleship may seem outdated or even irrelevant. 

However, being a modern day disciple is still important for those who follow Jesus. In this post, we’ll be discussing the characteristics of a modern day disciple, the importance of obedience in discipleship, and examples of disciples who have lived out these qualities.

A modern day disciple studies the Bible, prays, is a part of the church with other disciples, and shares his or her faith with others that are far from God.

Becoming a Modern Day Disciple

Becoming a modern day disciple begins with a decision to follow Jesus. It involves a commitment to living a life that is pleasing to God and seeking to grow in one’s relationship with Him. 

This includes studying the Bible, prayer, being the church with other disciples, and sharing one’s faith with others that are far from God.

Characteristics of a Modern Day Disciple

Discipleship is one of the foundational aspects of Christianity. 

It is not just about accepting Christ as your Savior but also about following in His footsteps and becoming a disciple. The Bible tells us that Jesus called twelve men to be His disciples, and through their training and guidance, He turned them into fishers of men. Today, being a disciple is more important than ever before, as we live in a world where the Gospel is often overlooked or ignored. 

In this section, we will explore what it means to be a modern-day disciple and how to become one.

Characteristic #1: They Follow Jesus

The first step to becoming a disciple is to follow Jesus. 

This may sound simple, but it is not always easy. Following Jesus means surrendering our lives to Him and allowing Him to lead us. It means putting our trust in Him and obeying His commands. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). 

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Following Jesus requires sacrifice, but it is also the most rewarding journey we can ever embark on.

One of the best ways to follow Jesus is to read and study the Bible. 

The Bible is the ultimate guidebook for discipleship. It teaches us about God’s character, His plan for our lives, and how to live a life that honors Him. As we read the Bible, we learn more about who Jesus is and what He has done for us. 

We also learn how to love and serve others, which is a crucial aspect of discipleship.

Characteristic #2: They Fish for Men by Sharing the Gospel

The second key to being a modern-day disciple is to fish for men. 

Fishing for men is the act of sharing the Gospel with others and inviting them to follow Jesus. Jesus said to His disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). As disciples, we are called to share the love of Christ with others and to invite them to experience the same joy and peace that we have found in Him.

Sharing the Gospel can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. 

One of the best ways to share the Gospel is to simply tell your story and God’s story. Share how you came to know Jesus and how He has changed your life. Be honest and vulnerable, and let others see the transformation that has taken place in your life. 

You can also share the Gospel by using a tool called the 3 Circles found on the Multiplying Disciples website. This tool has “gone viral” and multiplied to many churches and networks of disciples around the World.

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Characteristic #3 They Disciple Others

The third key to being a modern-day disciple is to disciple others. 

Discipling others means investing in their lives and helping them grow in their faith. Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). 

As disciples, we are called to pass on what we have learned through our obedience to others and call them to obey.

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7 Steps to Becoming a Modern-Day Disciple

So, how do you become a modern-day disciple? Here are some practical steps:

1. Surrender your life to Jesus and commit to following Him.

2. Study the Bible regularly and learn about who Jesus is and what He has done for you.

3. Share the Gospel with others by telling your story and inviting them to experience Jesus for themselves.

4. Invest in others by discipling them and helping them grow in their faith. Get started here.

5. Join a local church and get involved in its community. This will provide you with a support system and opportunities to serve others.

6. Pray regularly and ask God to guide you in your discipleship journey.

7. Be open to learning and growing. Discipleship is a lifelong journey, and there is always room for growth and improvement.

Real-Life Examples of a “Modern-Day Disciple”

To bring this concept to life, let’s look at some real-life examples of modern-day discipleship. 

One example is a woman named Sarah, who was a new Christian and wanted to grow in her faith. She connected with a mentor at her church who took her under her wing and helped her navigate the ups and downs of her faith journey. The coach walked alongside Sarah, answering her questions, praying and modeling for her, and providing her with resources to help her grow in her relationship with Jesus.

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Another example is a man named John, who felt called to share the Gospel with his neighbors. 

He started a Bible study in his home and invited his neighbors to attend. Over time, several people came to know Jesus through the Bible study, and John continued to disciple them and help them grow in their faith. As a result, several new churches were planted in the area, and many people came to know Jesus as their Savior.

Who is Called to be a Disciple?

According to Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, all believers are called to be disciples. This means that anyone who has made the decision to follow Jesus is called to live a life that reflects His teachings and example.


Being a modern-day disciple is not a new concept; it is a return to the original blueprint of discipleship modeled by Jesus Himself. 

As modern-day disciples, we are called to follow Jesus, fish for men, and disciple others. It requires sacrifice, but it is also the most rewarding journey we can ever embark on. By surrendering our lives to Jesus, studying the Bible, sharing the Gospel, investing in others, joining a local church, praying regularly, and being open to learning and growing, we can become the modern-day disciples that Jesus called us to be. 

So, let us embrace this calling and make disciples of all nations, starting with the people around us.

Being a modern-day disciple is not a new concept; it is a return to the original blueprint of discipleship modeled by Jesus Himself.

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