How to Get Started in Four Fields Training

Multiplying disciples is the core task Jesus gave His disciples in the Great Commission. However, it can be challenging to know where to start or how to make an impact. Four Fields Training is a comprehensive approach that has revolutionized ministry work.  This guide will provide an in-depth understanding of 4 Fields discipleship using the … Read more

Breakthrough Guide For a Modern Day Disciple

In today’s society, the concept of discipleship may seem outdated or even irrelevant.  However, being a modern day disciple is still important for those who follow Jesus. In this post, we’ll be discussing the characteristics of a modern day disciple, the importance of obedience in discipleship, and examples of disciples who have lived out these … Read more

What are Disciple-Making Movements? – 5 Examples From Around The World

In recent years, the concept of church planting movements or disciple-making movements (DMMs) has gained increasing attention and interest within the church.  A disciple-making movement is a rapid multiplication of disciples that results in a new church planting movement. The goal is to reach those who have never heard the gospel and to see the … Read more

What is a Disciple Making Movement and Why Does It Matter?

Disciple making movements have gained popularity in recent years as a way of spreading the gospel rapidly and effectively. But what exactly is a disciple making movement, and how does it differ from traditional evangelism and church planting?  In this post, we’ll explore the characteristics and key principles of a disciple making movement. A Definition … Read more

10 Qualities Present in Every Church Planting Movement: Keys to Sustainable Growth and Multiplication

Church planting movements are a powerful and transformative way of spreading the Gospel message and growing the body of Christ. These movements are characterized by specific qualities and characteristics that are present in every successful movement. In this blog post, we will explore the 10 universal characteristics that are essential for a thriving church planting … Read more

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