How to Share the Gospel with Friends and Family Members

Sharing the gospel with others can seem intimidating, especially with people you already have a relationship with. But as Christians, we are called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and our relational network is often the best place to start. 

Here are some tips for sharing the gospel with your relational network in a meaningful and effective way.

Build relationships

The kingdom of God, or His reign and rule, flows through relationships. 

That said, the gospel also makes space for itself. Paul says as much in Romans 1:16 when he writes, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Sharing the gospel with those you will see regularly often involves long suffering.

The authentic relationships with the people in your network will be ripe relationships in your life for the gospel to be planted, but will often also be the most challenging relationships to share with because of familiarity. 

Take the time to get to know them, listen to their stories, and show genuine care and concern for their lives, but don’t back off of being bold and direct with your story.

See also  How to Evangelize: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

Share your own story

One of the most powerful ways to share the gospel is by sharing your own story of how Jesus has transformed your life. Be vulnerable and authentic as you share, and be prepared to answer any questions or objections that may arise.

Ask questions

Ask your friends and family members about their own spiritual beliefs and experiences. 

Listen carefully to their answers and look for opportunities to share the gospel in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them.

Use everyday moments

You don’t have to wait for a big moment or event to share the gospel. 

Look for opportunities in everyday moments, such as conversations over coffee, meals together, or walks in the park. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and be willing to share the gospel in a way that is natural and authentic.

Be patient

Sharing the gospel with those you will see regularly often involves long suffering. 

It often takes time, patience, and persistence. Don’t be discouraged if your friends or family members don’t respond immediately. Continue to pray for them and look for opportunities to share the gospel in a way that connects with their current struggles and life situation.

Faithfully live your life out loud and make yourself available to them.

Use Simple Tools

There are many resources available to help you share the gospel with your relational network. Consider sharing using the 3 Circles Gospel tool, your 15 Second Testimony or other materials that explain the gospel in a clear and accessible way. 

See also  The High Price of Discipleship: What it Really Costs to Follow Jesus

You can also invite friends or family members to attend church with you or participate in a small group or Bible study.


Finally, and most importantly, pray for your relational network. 

Ask God to open their hearts and minds to the gospel, and for opportunities to share it with them in a meaningful and effective way. Pray for wisdom and guidance as you seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around you.


In conclusion, sharing the gospel with your relational network can seem daunting, but it’s an important part of our call as Christians. 

By building strong relationships, sharing your own story, asking questions, using everyday moments, being patient, using resources, and praying, you can effectively share the gospel in a way that is both authentic and meaningful. Remember, the Holy Spirit is with you every step of the way, and through Him, all things are possible.

Ask God to open their hearts and minds to the gospel, and for opportunities to share it with them in a meaningful and effective way.

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