Finding Persons of Peace: A Key Strategy for Evangelism and Disciple-Making

A clear strategy of Jesus for evangelism and disciple-making is to find “Persons of Peace.” 

In this post, we’ll explore what a Person of Peace is, why they are important, and how to find them in the North American context.

What is a Person of Peace? 

A Person of Peace is someone who is receptive to the message of the gospel and has the ability to influence others in their community. They may not be a believer themselves, but they are open to hearing about Jesus and sharing their faith with others.

In the Bible, Jesus instructed his disciples to look for Persons of Peace when he sent them out on their missionary journeys. 

Jesus expected his disciples to find Persons of Peace and that these individuals would be instrumental in spreading the gospel message.

In Luke 10:5-6, Jesus says, “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you.” This indicates that Jesus expected his disciples to find Persons of Peace and that these individuals would be instrumental in spreading the gospel message.

Why are Persons of Peace important? 

Persons of Peace are important because they have the ability to influence their community. When a Person of Peace becomes a believer, they are likely to share their faith with their family, friends, and neighbors. 

This can lead to a movement of new believers within a community.

Additionally, Persons of Peace can help to bridge cultural and language barriers. They can act as a liaison between missionaries and the local community, helping to build trust and understanding.

How to find Persons of Peace in the North American Context 

Finding Persons of Peace in the North American context can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are some strategies that have been effective as a best practice:

1. Pray for guidance: Ask God to guide you to Persons of Peace in your community. He may reveal individuals to you through dreams, visions, or through other people.

2. Build relationships: Spend time building relationships with people in your community. Attend local events, volunteer at a food bank or shelter, and get to know your neighbors. As you build relationships, look for individuals who are open to spiritual conversations and who have a positive influence on those around them.

3. Look for people with social influence: Persons of Peace often have social influence within their community. They may be community leaders, business owners, or well-respected individuals. Look for people who have a positive reputation and who are well-connected within their community.

4. Listen to the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit may prompt you to reach out to specific individuals or to go to certain places. Be open to his leading and follow his guidance.

How to Identify a Person of Peace

Persons of peace are identifiable as receiving three primary things: the messenger, the message, and the mission. Let’s look at each briefly.


The person of peace is open to listen and talk with the messenger who is boldly and clearly sharing the good news of Jesus with them.


The person of peace receives the message of the gospel and is open to either hearing and learning more or turning to believe immediately.


It is not enough to simply be receptive and open to the messenger and message, a true person of peace is also a door or connector to a relational network. A great example of this would be the woman at the well found in John 4 who runs back her village and invites the whole town to come and see Jesus.


Finding Persons of Peace is a key strategy for evangelism and disciple-making. 

These individuals have the ability to influence their community and can help to bridge cultural and language barriers. To find Persons of Peace in the North American context, it is important to pray for guidance, build relationships, look for people with social influence, and listen to the Holy Spirit. 

By following these strategies, we can be more effective in sharing the message of the gospel and making disciples.

Persons of Peace are important because they have the ability to influence their community. When a Person of Peace becomes a believer, they are likely to share their faith with their family, friends, and neighbors.

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