Week 4: Discipleship Tools

How's it going?

Congrats! After you complete the checkpoint for this week, you will be at 100% and complete the training.

Week 4: Key Resources

DOWNLOAD The Disciple Making Training Packet

Download the training packet with all the content we will train in this virtual training.

WARNING: The secret sauce is NOT in the content. The tools themselves are not the key to seeing multiplying disciples. The key is in learning how to use them in a community of practice. You will ONLY get that by joining for the training.

See you on Zoom,
The Multiplying Disciples Team.

Week 4: Checkpoint

(complete each action item and click the button when complete)

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✓  Complete all of the action steps

and click "I completed the action steps" to submit.

__ MEET your group for your first group 3/3’s meeting. Facilitate using the Repent & Believe command on p.8 (click here)

__ REMIND your group about their OIKOS map

__ PLAN a day to go out in the harvest together

Progress After Checkpoint

Coaching Tip

The training materials are just information. The real learning happens in communities of practice. Talk to us about ongoing coaching.

Let's lock in your spot.You're almost there.

Check your inbox for event details after completion.