Disciple: Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato

On the Road
On the Road
Disciple: Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato

We often think better teaching is a key to making disciples. And while we should faithfully teach God’s word, it’s even more important to train disciples to discover and obey the truth in God’s word for themselves. Said another way: If you teach a disciple the Bible, he’ll grow for a day. If you train a disciple to discover and obey the Bible, he’ll grow for a lifetime.

Show Notes:

T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution

Three Thirds: Video | We’ll cover this in a future episode of On the Road.

Steve talked about a Person of Peace at the end. I should probably dedicate an episode to that, but in the meantime, here’s a video.

MAWL: Video | On the Road Episode

Steve shared these documents and tips with me to pass on:

Three Thirds Group Tips for Leaders

Seekers Story Set_ Seven Stories of Hope

See below for more thoughts from Steve.

If you have a question to ask or a story to share, go here and Jump In!


More Thoughts from Steve can be found at:  https://ontheroad.link/blog//2019/07/disciple-discovering-obeying-word-with.html

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