Get Ready To Be Empowered: Evangelists Revolutionize Disciple Making!

If you’ve ever wondered how disciple making movements (DMMs) achieve initial growth, then you’re in the right place. While there are many factors and kinds of leaders God uses to contribute to the success of these movements, one critical element stands out: the evangelist.

In this article, we’ll explore the critical role that evangelists play in driving the growth of disciple making and church planting movements. We’ll look at the unique qualities of effective evangelists, the strategies they use to spread the gospel, and the impact they have on disciple making movements around the world.

Who is an Evangelist?

Before we dive into the role of the evangelist in DMMs, it’s important to define who an evangelist is. Simply put, an evangelist is someone who spreads the good news of the gospel and models for other believers how to do the same. They are often gifted in preaching, teaching, and sharing their faith with others. 

The Qualities of an Effective Evangelist

While anyone can share the gospel, not everyone is an effective evangelist. Effective evangelists possess certain qualities that enable them to connect with people, communicate effectively, and inspire action. Here are some of the key qualities of an effective evangelist:

Passionate about Jesus

Effective evangelists are deeply passionate about Jesus. Their love for Him is contagious, and they radiate His joy and peace. They are compelled to share the gospel because they believe it is the only hope for humanity.

Bold and Courageous

Effective evangelists are bold and courageous. They are not afraid to speak the truth, even in the face of opposition. 

They are willing to take risks and step out of their comfort zone to share the gospel with others.

Relatable and Compassionate

Effective evangelists are relatable and compassionate. 

They understand the struggles and pain that people experience and are able to connect with them on a deep level. They are not judgmental but instead offer hope, healing, and a way forward.

Persistent and Consistent

Effective evangelists are persistent and consistent. 

They do not give up easily, even when faced with rejection or apathy. They continue to share the gospel with others, trusting that God will use their efforts for His glory.

The Strategies of an Effective Evangelist

Effective evangelists use a variety of strategies to spread the gospel. Here are some of the key strategies they use:

Building Relationships

Effective evangelists know that building relationships is critical to sharing the gospel. They invest time and energy in getting to know people, listening to their stories, and building trust.

Sharing Stories

Effective evangelists know that stories are powerful. 

They share their own stories of how Jesus has transformed their lives, as well as stories of other people who have experienced the power of the gospel.

Meeting Practical Needs

Effective evangelists know that meeting practical needs opens doors for sharing the gospel. They look for ways to serve others, whether it’s through providing food, clothing, shelter, or other basic necessities.

Making Disciples

Effective evangelists know that making disciples is the ultimate goal of evangelism. They not only share the gospel but also disciple new believers, helping them grow in their faith and teaching them how to share the gospel with others.

Effective evangelists know that stories are powerful. They share their own stories of how Jesus has transformed their lives, as well as stories of other people who have experienced the power of the gospel.

The Power of the Evangelist in Disciple Making Movements

The evangelist brings unique skills and gifts to the task of making disciples. 

They are often passionate, articulate communicators who are able to share the gospel in a way that is both understandable and compelling. They are able to build relationships quickly and are often gifted in leading others to Christ.

Moreover, evangelists are typically gifted in exhorting others in evangelism. They are able to pass on their passion and sometimes also their skills to others, equipping them to share the gospel and make disciples themselves. 

This multiplication of evangelists is one of the key factors behind the explosive growth of disciple making movements.

The Role of the Evangelist in Starting a Movement

When a new disciple making movement is started, it is often initiated by an evangelistic leader who begins sharing the gospel with those around them. 

As they lead others to Christ, they disciple them in the basics of the Christian faith, helping them to grow in their relationship with Christ and empowering them to share their faith with others.

As the movement grows, the evangelist continues to play a key role in training and exhorting others to share the gospel and make disciples. They are often responsible for identifying and training new evangelists, who in turn multiply themselves by training others.

The Role of the Evangelist in Sustaining a Movement

Once a disciple making movement is established, the role of the evangelist shifts from starting new groups to supporting and sustaining existing ones. They continue to train and exhort new evangelists, who are then responsible for starting new groups and expanding the movement.

The evangelist also plays a key role in addressing challenges and obstacles that arise within the movement. They are often called upon to provide leadership and guidance in resolving conflicts and addressing issues that threaten the unity and effectiveness of the movement.


In conclusion, the evangelist is a key player in the explosive growth of disciple making movements. 

Their unique gifts and skills in sharing the gospel, building relationships, and training others in evangelism are essential to starting and sustaining these movements.

If you are interested in being an evangelist or supporting the work of evangelism, there are many resources available to help you. Seek out training and mentoring from experienced evangelists, and connect with organizations and networks that are focused on disciple making movements.

Together, we can work to share the gospel and make disciples, and see explosive growth in the Kingdom of God.

When a new disciple making movement is started, it is often initiated by an evangelistic leader who begins sharing the gospel with those around them.

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