How to Get Started in Four Fields Training

Multiplying disciples is the core task Jesus gave His disciples in the Great Commission. However, it can be challenging to know where to start or how to make an impact. Four Fields Training is a comprehensive approach that has revolutionized ministry work.  This guide will provide an in-depth understanding of 4 Fields discipleship using the … Read more

The Three Circles Gospel Presentation: Step-by-Step

The Three Circles Gospel Presentation is a simple method or tool that has been used by tens of thousands of people and is both engaging and effective. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to use the Three Circles to introduce the gospel to others. CLICK FOR LANGUAGE CLICK TO GET THREE CIRCLES STICKERS … Read more

Disciple Making Movement (DMM): Key Characteristics and Definition

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When it comes to global multiplying movements of the gospel, there are various terms and acronyms used, such as CPMs (Church Planting Movements), DMMs (Disciple Making Movements), DBS (Discovery Bible Studies), and T4T (Training for Trainers). Understanding the meanings and keeping track of these terms can be challenging for those unfamiliar with them. In this … Read more

5 Surprising Ways to Attract Multiplying Leaders

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Attracting multiplying leaders is a critical element of realizing God’s vision of a world where every nation and people group is engaged with the Gospel. In order to see this vision come to fruition, it is necessary to focus on identifying and developing leaders in the work. Jesus was the master of attracting multiplying leaders, … Read more

Ridiculously Simple: 3 Ways to Make Disciples

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Disciple making is a crucial aspect of Christianity, but it can be challenging to know how to go about it. Many churches and Christian organizations have developed different methods to make disciples, and in this article, we’ll explore 3 ways to make disciples. These three obedience-based methods are: the Three Circles Gospel Tool, the Three … Read more

Empowering Transformation: Unleashing the Power of Making Disciples

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Discipleship is the heart of Christianity. It is the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ, growing in our knowledge of Him, and learning to follow His example. Making disciples is the primary mission of the Church. It is the responsibility of every Christian to make disciples of all nations. However, many Christians struggle with … Read more

5 Insightful Keys into the Biblical Jesus

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Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers, and the teachings of Jesus Christ are at the heart of this faith.  Whether you are asking questions or thinking through how to explain your faith to others, this post will be helpful. Let’s dive into 5 insightful keys into the Biblical … Read more

Discovering the Disciple Meaning: A Life-Changing Journey

If you’re a Christian, you’ve probably heard the term “disciple” before. But what does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus? And what is a disciple making movement? In this post, we’ll explore the true meaning of disciple and how it relates to disciple making movements. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus … Read more

Breakthrough Guide For a Modern Day Disciple

In today’s society, the concept of discipleship may seem outdated or even irrelevant.  However, being a modern day disciple is still important for those who follow Jesus. In this post, we’ll be discussing the characteristics of a modern day disciple, the importance of obedience in discipleship, and examples of disciples who have lived out these … Read more

The High Price of Discipleship: What it Really Costs to Follow Jesus

person in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans reading bible

In this post, we’ll explore what it means to be a disciple, the cost of discipleship, and what it takes to be a true follower of Jesus. Section 1: The Cost of Discipleship What does the Bible say about the cost of discipleship? In Luke 14:27, Jesus says, “Whoever does not bear his own cross … Read more