Discover the 12 Disciples of Jesus Christ

Why did a tax collector and a political revolutionary join Jesus’ inner circle? Uncover the surprising origins and dramatic transformations of the 12 disciples who changed the world.

Discover the Game-Changing Secrets: Starfish and the Spirit Review!

A complete book review of the Starfish and The Spirit Book

“The Starfish and the Spirit” by Lance Ford is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that delves into the principles and practices of disciple-making movements. Ford’s expertise in disciple-making and his engaging writing style make this book a valuable resource for Christian leaders seeking to foster transformative movements in their contexts. Below is an in depth … Read more

Unlock the Power of Friendly Accountability

photo of men talking with each other

Disciple making is the core mission of Christianity. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to make disciples of all nations. However, disciple making is not always easy, both in the frontiers where the Gospel is new and in North America. In both of these contexts, it is important to have accountability structures in … Read more

Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

grayscale photo of the crucifix

The seven words of Jesus on the cross are some of the most powerful and meaningful statements in the entire Bible.  Each word holds tremendous significance and offers deep insight into the character of our Lord and Savior. In this blog post, we will explore each of the seven words and discuss how they relate … Read more

Ridiculously Simple: 3 Ways to Make Disciples

photo of women talking to each other

Disciple making is a crucial aspect of Christianity, but it can be challenging to know how to go about it. Many churches and Christian organizations have developed different methods to make disciples, and in this article, we’ll explore 3 ways to make disciples. These three obedience-based methods are: the Three Circles Gospel Tool, the Three … Read more

Empowering Transformation: Unleashing the Power of Making Disciples

man reading a book

Discipleship is the heart of Christianity. It is the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ, growing in our knowledge of Him, and learning to follow His example. Making disciples is the primary mission of the Church. It is the responsibility of every Christian to make disciples of all nations. However, many Christians struggle with … Read more

5 Insightful Keys into the Biblical Jesus

a jesus text

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers, and the teachings of Jesus Christ are at the heart of this faith.  Whether you are asking questions or thinking through how to explain your faith to others, this post will be helpful. Let’s dive into 5 insightful keys into the Biblical … Read more

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