Disciple-Making Resources for Churches That Will Multiply

Disciple-making lies at the core of the church’s mission, as it seeks to equip believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. To facilitate this transformative process, churches are embracing disciple-making movements, which provides practical resources and strategies. Looking for disciple-making resources for churches that will multiply? In this article, we will explore the significance of disciple-making, highlight key resources from the disciple-making movement, such as the 3 Circles, Three Thirds, and Oikos mapping, and direct readers to valuable resources.

Article Summary
Disciple-making is essential for the church’s mission of equipping believers.
Disciple-making movements offer valuable resources like 3 Circles, Three Thirds, and Oikos mapping.
Effective disciple-making resources should have a biblical foundation and clear objectives.
Churches should follow Jesus’ model of directive teaching and gradual revelation of knowledge.
Obedience and practical application are crucial for spiritual growth and readiness for further learning.
Resources should encourage believers to actively engage, seek accountability, and apply what they learn.
Choose resources that progressively build upon foundational teachings to facilitate holistic growth.
The multiplyingdisciples.us website offers valuable content and training on disciple-making.

The Importance of Disciple-Making

Disciple-making is not merely a program; it is a process of intentionally investing in the lives of believers, nurturing spiritual growth, and equipping them to live out their faith. It aligns with Jesus Christ’s command to His followers: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Disciple-making strengthens the foundation of believers, empowers them to impact their communities, and inspires others to embark on their own faith journey.

Choosing Disciple-Making Resources: Following the Model of Jesus

When it comes to selecting disciple-making resources for churches, it is essential to look to the ultimate example: Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus, during His earthly ministry, modeled a deliberate and effective approach to training His disciples, equipping them to follow and fish for others.

By understanding and emulating His methods, churches can choose resources that align with this biblical model of disciple-making.

Jesus was Highly Directive at First

Jesus began by being highly directive in His disciples’ training.

He called them to leave their previous lives and follow Him wholeheartedly. He taught them foundational principles, imparted practical skills, and exemplified a life of faith and obedience.

This initial phase of directive teaching and modeling set the stage for the disciples’ growth and prepared them for their future roles as leaders and evangelists.

Jesus Added Knowledge to Obedience

Crucially, Jesus didn’t overwhelm His disciples with all knowledge at once.

Instead, He gradually increased their understanding and revealed deeper truths as they obeyed His instructions. Jesus recognized that obedience and practical application of what was already taught were vital for spiritual growth and readiness for the next level of learning.

How Churches Can Apply the Model of Jesus

When selecting disciple-making resources, churches should prioritize those that follow this pattern.

Effective resources should start with clear and directive teachings that lay a solid foundation of biblical principles and practical skills. This may include resources that provide step-by-step guidance, instructional videos, or study materials that emphasize the core elements of the faith.

Furthermore, valuable disciple-making resources should emphasize the importance of obedience and application.

Just as Jesus emphasized the need for His disciples to put into practice what they had learned, resources should encourage believers to actively engage with the material, seek accountability, and participate in practical exercises that facilitate growth and discipleship.

Start With the Basics of Following And Fishing

Additionally, churches should look for resources that gradually build upon the foundational teachings, offering deeper insights and more advanced concepts as believers progress in their faith journey.

This approach ensures a steady and holistic growth process, nurturing disciples who are well-equipped to impact their communities and make more disciples themselves.

By selecting resources that align with this biblical model, churches can effectively equip believers to become transformational disciples who follow Jesus and fish for others.

Key Resources from Disciple-Making Movements

Complete 12 Lesson Disciple-Making Packet

The resource below is a complete nineteen page disciple making packet that trains disciples to make disciples to follow Jesus and fish for people in line with the basic commands of Jesus found in the gospels.

Download the packet here for more or read on to view a few tools highlighted from its contents.

To facilitate this transformative process, churches are embracing disciple-making movements, which provides practical resources and strategies.

Complete 12 Lesson Starter Packet

This resource is a complete nineteen page disciple making packet that trains disciples to make disciples to follow Jesus and fish for people in line with the basic commands of Jesus found in the gospels.

Using simple, reproducible, and Biblical tools, the contents empower disciples to train others in methods that have fruitfully multiplied in various contexts around the World.


Check out three key tools from this disciple-making packet.

3 Circles Gospel Tool

The 3 Circles tool simplifies the process of sharing the gospel by using three circles that represent God’s Design, Brokenness, and the Gospel. 

It enables believers to engage in natural and meaningful conversations about faith. By utilizing this tool, churches can empower their members to confidently and effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ with their friends, family, and acquaintances. For more information on using the 3 Circles, click here.

Three Thirds

The Three Thirds discipleship model provides a practical framework for small group meetings.

It divides the meeting time into three parts: look back, look up, and look forward. During the “look back” phase, participants share personal victories and challenges in living out their faith. In the “look up” phase, the group focuses on studying God’s Word and seeking His guidance. The “look forward” phase involves making commitments to apply biblical principles and reach out to others with the gospel.

This model fosters accountability, mutual support, and spiritual growth. To learn more about implementing the Three Thirds model, click here.

Oikos Mapping

Oikos mapping helps believers identify and intentionally engage with their relational networks, or oikos, which include family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

By creating a visual representation of their oikos, individuals can pray for and strategically invest in these relationships, sharing the love of Christ and inviting them into a transformative relationship with Him.

Oikos mapping encourages believers to view their everyday interactions as opportunities for disciple-making.

Utilizing Disciple-Making Movement Resources

To effectively utilize these resources, churches can integrate them into their discipleship programs, small group meetings, and individual outreach efforts.

It is crucial to provide training and support to members, helping them understand the principles and methodologies behind these resources. Church leaders can partner with coaching and trainers like those with Multiplying Disciples to host event trainings that will equip believers with the necessary skills and confidence to apply these disciple-making tools in their lives. 

Furthermore, encouraging regular practice and sharing testimonies of successful disciple-making experiences can inspire and motivate others to engage in the process.

The multiplyingdisciples.us Website

For further guidance and resources on the disciple-making movement, the multiplyingdisciples.us website serves as a valuable hub. It offers a wide range of articles, videos, training materials, and practical tools to support churches in their disciple-making endeavors.

Visitors to the website can access detailed explanations, case studies, and real-life examples of how these resources have been effectively implemented.

Additionally, the website provides opportunities for online training and collaboration with other churches and leaders who are passionate about disciple-making.


Disciple-making is the heartbeat of the church, and disciple-making movements offer powerful resources to empower churches and believers in this vital mission.

The 3 Circles, Three Thirds, and Oikos mapping are practical tools that enable believers to confidently share the gospel, deepen their relationships with God and others, and impact their communities. By incorporating these resources into their discipleship programs and individual lives, churches can equip their members to become transformational disciples of Jesus Christ.

To explore the rich resources of the disciple-making movement, visit the multiplyingdisciples.us website and embark on a journey of fruitful disciple-making.

Example Site – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

By incorporating these resources into their discipleship programs and individual lives, churches can equip their members to become transformational disciples of Jesus Christ.

Learn how you can multiply disciples by getting started with these starter tools.

What is disciple-making?

Disciple-making is a process of intentionally investing in the lives of believers, nurturing their spiritual growth, and equipping them to live out their faith.

How can churches effectively utilize these disciple-making resources?

Churches can integrate these resources into their discipleship programs, small group meetings, and individual outreach efforts. Training and support should be provided to members, and regular practice and sharing of testimonies can inspire and motivate others.

Why is disciple-making important for churches?

Disciple-making is essential for the church’s mission of equipping believers for the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). It equips them to obey, empowers them to impact their communities as ambassadors, and brings glory to God among every people and place.

How can churches choose effective disciple-making resources?

Churches should follow the model of Jesus in selecting disciple-making resources. These resources should have clear and directive teachings, gradually reveal deeper truths, emphasize obedience and practical application, and progressively build upon foundational teachings.

How can churches get started with these disciple-making resources?

Churches can explore the starter tools available on the multiplyingdisciples.us website and seek coaching to learn how to effectively multiply disciples, leaders, and churches in their specific context.

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