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5 Surprising Ways to Attract Multiplying Leaders

Attracting multiplying leaders is a critical element of realizing God’s vision of a world where every nation and people group is engaged with the Gospel. In order to see this vision come to fruition, it is necessary to focus on identifying and developing leaders in the work.

Jesus was the master of attracting multiplying leaders, and there are five key elements to his strategy.

Jesus called people to follow him with an elevator pitch, as seen in Mark 1 when he said, “Follow me and I’ll make you become fishers of men.” His words were backed up by his reputation as he had already been engaging in the work of sharing the Gospel.

Watch Mark Goering unpack the 5 ways listed in this article.

1. The Compelling Vision Cast

The first is a compelling vision cast. Jesus called people to follow him with an elevator pitch, as seen in Mark 1 when he said, “Follow me and I’ll make you become fishers of men.” His words were backed up by his reputation as he had already been engaging in the work of sharing the Gospel.

2. Build Trust

The second element is to create a culture of trust. Jesus created an environment of trust, which made it easy for people to follow him. He was transparent and honest in his dealings, and he was able to create an atmosphere where people felt safe and secure.

3. Be a Living Example

The third element is to be an example of what you want to see. Jesus was a great example of what it means to be a leader. He showed people what it looks like to be humble, loving, and generous. He was also a great teacher, and he showed people how to lead by example.

4. Provide a Leadership Development Pathway

The fourth element is to provide opportunities for growth. Jesus understood the importance of providing opportunities for people to grow and develop. He was constantly challenging his followers to think outside the box and to take risks. He also provided them with resources and guidance to help them in their growth.

5. Call People into a Compelling Mission

The final element is to have a clear and compelling mission. Jesus was clear about his mission, and he was passionate about it. He was also able to communicate it in a way that was understandable and inspiring. He was able to motivate people to join him in his mission, and that was a key factor in attracting multiplying leaders.

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Attracting multiplying leaders is an essential part of realizing God’s vision. Jesus was a master at this, and by following his example, we can create an environment that is conducive to attracting and developing leaders. By casting a compelling vision, creating a culture of trust, being an example of what we want to see, providing opportunities for growth, and having a clear and compelling mission, we can create an environment where multiplying leaders are attracted and empowered to join us in our work.

Model, Assist, Watch, & Launch Leaders

Modeling is an important part of attracting multiplying leaders. Jesus did this by demonstrating what it meant to be a leader. He showed his disciples how to pray, how to preach, how to cast out demons, and how to be with people. He was an example of what it meant to be a leader, and this inspired his followers to become multiplying leaders themselves.

Assisting is another important part of creating an environment that attracts multiplying leaders. Jesus did this by providing his disciples with the tools and resources they needed to do the work. He provided them with the knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, as well as practical advice on how to preach and cast out demons. By providing his disciples with the right tools and resources, Jesus was able to create an environment where multiplying leaders could thrive.

Watching is also an important part of creating an environment that attracts multiplying leaders. Jesus was able to do this by keeping an eye on his disciples and making sure they were on the right path. He was able to provide guidance and direction to his disciples, while still allowing them the freedom to make their own decisions. By watching and providing guidance, Jesus was able to create an environment where multiplying leaders could grow and develop.

Finally, launching is an important part of creating an environment that attracts multiplying leaders. Jesus did this by giving his disciples the opportunity to go out and preach and cast out demons. He gave them the opportunity to take the message of the gospel to the world, and to be a part of something bigger than themselves. By launching his disciples into the world, Jesus was able to create an environment where multiplying leaders could thrive.

In conclusion, Jesus was a master at creating an environment that attracted multiplying leaders. By modeling, assisting, watching and launching, Jesus was able to create an environment where multiplying leaders could thrive and be empowered to join him in his work. By following his example, we can create an environment that is conducive to attracting and developing leaders.

How Jesus Did the Model, Assist, Watch, & Launch

Jesus modeled the skills and practices necessary for kingdom growth. He went into Capernaum and other places in Galilee, engaging with the gospel and demonstrating how to go into an oikos. He proclaimed the gospel and performed deliverance, and he modeled to his disciples how to do the same. He even sent them out to proclaim the gospel and cast out demons.

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Jesus also assisted his disciples in engaging with their own oikos. He provided guidance and support in how to engage with their own oikos, and he watched them as they followed his example. He called those he wanted to himself, and he sent them out to do the same tasks he had been modeling to them.

Jesus also focused on discipling those who would obey no matter the cost. He identified those few who would obey, and he poured deeply into them, modeling leadership development and showing his disciples who to focus on as leaders. Finally, he modeled and assisted in gathering people together, and he watched and launched them in the core skills and practices necessary for kingdom growth.

By following Jesus’ example, we can create an environment that is conducive to attracting and developing multiplying leaders. We must model and assist the basic and clear skills of how to engage, proclaim the gospel and demonstrate deliverance. We must watch and launch key skills in each of the five parts of kingdom growth. We must pour deeply into those who will obey no matter what the cost, and we must identify and focus on those few who will obey.

By following Jesus’ example, we can create an environment that will attract multiplying leaders. We can empower them to join us in our work, and we can watch and launch them in the key skills and practices necessary for kingdom growth. Together, we can create a culture of multiplying leaders, and we can work together to bring the kingdom of God to earth.

Invest in Leaders Relationally

One of the most important things we can do to attract multiplying leaders is to invest in them relationally. Jesus did this in his ministry. He invited people out of the crowd to be with him. He asked them questions, gave them feedback and advice, and built a relationship of trust with them. This relationship of trust is essential for leaders to grow and develop in the skills and practices necessary for kingdom growth.

We must also pray for these multiplying leaders. We must labor over what God is doing in their lives and pray against the attacks of the enemy. We must also invest in our relationship with them. We must have time with them, be able to cry and mourn with them, and celebrate and be full of joy with them. This helps to build the trust and connection necessary for us to have the conversations and provide the feedback and advice necessary for them to grow and develop.

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Ultimately, Jesus showed us the importance of investing in leaders relationally. We must take the time to build relationships with them, pray for them, and invest in their growth and development. This is the key to attracting and keeping multiplying leaders, and it is essential for us to be able to bring the kingdom of God to earth.

Invest in Relationship

Investing in leaders is not just about finding the right person, but also about creating an environment where they can thrive. We must create an atmosphere of trust, open communication, and mutual respect. We must also provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed. This includes providing them with training and mentoring, as well as access to resources and support networks.

In addition to creating an environment where leaders can thrive, we must also invest in their development. This means investing in their spiritual growth, providing them with leadership development opportunities, and helping them to develop the skills they need to be effective in their role. We must also provide them with the tools and resources they need to be successful.

Finally, we must be intentional about investing in multiplying leaders. We must take the time to nurture and develop relationships with them, and be intentional about investing in their growth and development. We must also be intentional about connecting them with other multiplying leaders, so that they can build relationships and support one another.

Investing in multiplying leaders is essential for us to be able to bring the kingdom of God to earth. By investing in their growth and development, we can create an environment where they can thrive and be effective in their role. We must also be intentional about connecting them with other multiplying leaders, so that they can build relationships and support one another. Ultimately, investing in multiplying leaders is an important step in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Multiplying Disciples - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

This means investing in their spiritual growth, providing them with leadership development opportunities, and helping them to develop the skills they need to be effective in their role.

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