4 Stages of Movement: Unlock Your Next Steps

Mission practitioners Don Dent and Nik Ripken, as well as CPM trainer Mark Stevens and trainer Neill Mims, have described these four phases of a movement.  The paradigm tool they developed has been widely used in Church Planting Movement (CPM) training to avoid misunderstandings. Here, we provide a simplified overview of the phases, acknowledging that … Read more

5 Proven Strategies: Unlock the Secrets of Effective Personal Evangelism

In a world hungry for meaning and purpose, personal evangelism stands as a powerful catalyst for transformation. It is the act of sharing the life-changing message of the Gospel with individuals, one-on-one, fostering connections that have the potential to ignite a ripple effect of faith and discipleship. But how can we effectively engage others in … Read more

Are Disciple Making Movements Anti-Institutional?

brown wooden church bench near white painted wall

In this article, we will explore the importance of community and generational leadership in the context of traditional churches. We will also discuss the role of church history in shaping our understanding of the church’s mission and identity. The Power of Community and Culture As human beings, we are naturally influenced by the community and … Read more