What is the head, heart, and hands of the man or woman God can use to multiply His Kingdom? Let’s talk about it. With the H3X podcast, become a fly on the wall for conversations unpacking the head, heart, and hands of the multiplying church and her leaders.

Listen as movement leader and author Steve Addison interviews movement leaders and shares stories and principles for multiplying disciples and churches everywhere.

What does No Place Left mean? Can my church start a movement that would cause the gospel to reach every corner of my city? Can I? Join Pheaney as he drives around and explores the answers to these questions.

Every passionate follower of Jesus has a deep desire to share their faith with others. How do we make and multiply disciples around the block and around the world? How do we do it at a rate that can compete with population growth, a growing secular culture, and 40% of the world considered completely unreached? With hosts, Doug Lucas of Team Expansion, Lee Wood of 1Body Church, John Heerema of Biglife, Rodger Shull of e3 Partners and special guests from around the world, we’ll explore how believers can come together to make More Disciples.

Do you want to grow in teaming with others to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ? Do you want to help others embrace their unique roles in the work? God wants to use all believers in powerful and diverse ways in His mission. In this podcast, we will dig into the Bible together, hear from fruitful coworkers around the world, and share practical tips and tools from our 15 years of missions experience. Join us on The Coworkers Podcast… Where Every Believer is a Coworker in God’s mission


In the L1A podcasts, we discuss what it means to Love God, Love others and make disciples as a multiplying movement in a western context. Each episode, disciple makers from across North America share about their experiences being part of this disciple-making movement and the need we are seeing for this in this cultural environment. Our hope is that the L1A podcast encourages believers across North America to connect, communicate and collaborate with other disciples until the whole world knows! Visit www.loveoneanother.life for more information or to connect with other disciples in your area.

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