The Apostolic Challenge: Mastering the Dynamics of Start, Strengthen, Sustain

The challenge is clear: we’re great at starting things in the movement world, but not so great at making them last. Guy tackles this head-on with a framework that’s both simple and profound – Start, Strengthen, and Sustain. But here’s the key: these aren’t sequential steps; they’re interconnected elements that need to work together from … Read more

Setting the Stage: Jesus as the Model for Muddy Boots Church Planting

In the bustling streets of first-century Palestine, Jesus didn’t launch His ministry from the comfortable confines of religious institutions. Instead, He chose the dusty roads, fishing boats, and humble homes of ordinary people. This “muddy boots” approach—where ministry happens in the messy reality of everyday life—wasn’t just His preferred method; it was a deliberate strategy … Read more

The Clear Pathway of Jesus: A Biblical Model for Disciple-Making

In the 1990s, “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets became a popular way to encourage moral decision-making. Yet there’s a profound shift happening today—from merely asking what Jesus would do to actually doing what Jesus did. This transition moves us beyond morality into understanding Jesus as a model for a pathway of discipleship and a … Read more

How to Overcome The Effects of “Movement Method Inoculation” 

person holding syringe and vaccine bottle

In this article, we will explore the concept of “movement method inoculation” and discuss how it can hinder our effectiveness in disciple-making. We will also delve into the importance of understanding the shelf life of methods and the need to adapt and innovate in order to reach new contexts. Additionally, we will touch on the … Read more

How Leaders Make Decisions in Uncertainty

paper boats on solid surface

In this article, we will explore the topic of decision-making in uncertain situations. Making decisions as a leader can be challenging, especially when faced with obstacles and unexpected circumstances. However, it is through these challenges that leaders have the opportunity to grow and develop their decision-making skills. Key Ideas Explanation Embrace Imperfection and Ownership Recognize … Read more

How to Evangelize: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

Are you eager to spread the life-changing message of the Gospel but unsure where to start? Fear not! In this article, we will unpack the art of effective evangelism, using step-by-step practical methods that are accessible to everyone. This article will empower you with the skills to seamlessly integrate the Conversation Quadrant tool, the 15-Second … Read more

4 Stages of Movement: Unlock Your Next Steps

Mission practitioners Don Dent and Nik Ripken, as well as CPM trainer Mark Stevens and trainer Neill Mims, have described these four phases of a movement.  The paradigm tool they developed has been widely used in Church Planting Movement (CPM) training to avoid misunderstandings. Here, we provide a simplified overview of the phases, acknowledging that … Read more

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